Tuesday, August 12, 2008

9 A.M. — Ziegler Struggles in First Final Swim

It's tough to remind yourself that at 20-years-old, U.S. Olympic swimmer and Great Falls, Va. native Kate Ziegler can't even drink alcohol. Which may soften the burden of the abysmal showing she had in the 400 free final.

Nevertheless, the media loves to exploit every ounce of a possible young, attractive potential marketing star. So every aspect of her personality and her being are exposed.

How does Ziegler feel on religion? You would think they would at least try to spell her named right.

What does Ziegler do to workout? "At least once a week or so, work at an intensity that is hard to sustain for more than a few minutes." Riveting.

What's next? How Ziegler does a beer bong? Oh, wait.

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